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Plastics & Chemistry Travel Stop: Getting to know a circular transformation of successful business and start-ups

27 May 2021, 10 – 11:15 AM CET

Host: Department of Territory and Sustainability, Government of Catalunya

1. Welcome and introduction video

2. Keynote presentation
Boosting the circular transformation in the chemical and plastics sector: experiences and projects from EMAS companies
Maria Passalacqua, Director at EMAS Club Catalunya

3. Inspiring company examples and round table

  • Plastic waste collection in riverbeds to avoid pollution
    Everwave from NRW
  • Transforming fishing nets collected from the sea into new products: Stakeholder cooperation
    Net Viva-Popsicase from Catalunya
  • Strategies to become to a fully circular product from recycled plastics from consumer waste
    Circular Clockworks from the Netherlands
  • Future materials: from waste to bioplastics
    VEnvirotech from Catalunya

4. CE Hotspot Catalunya 2021 Video

5. Encouraging B2B meetings in the platform Circular Economy SMEs across Europe
Maria Lumbierres, ACCIÓ, Government of Catalunya-EEN

6. New travel partner announcement
Zero Waste Scotland

Till autumn 2022, we will be presenting good examples from different sectors. The next travel stops are:

  • Construction on 4th June, Belgium
  • Textiles in June/July, Netherlands and Germany
  • Vehicles & Batteries on 27th August: Sweden

The entire tour dates can be found here.


For the sector events, please register on the matchmaking platform: www.circular-economy-smes-across-europe.b2match.io/

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