CAESAR+CLEO (CC) is an ESG strategy and service consultancy. CC supports companies in meeting regulatory requirements and ESG criteria in a legally compliant, innovative, value-enhancing and communicative way. We support companies on their transformation path towards substantial corporate sustainability and develop circular net-zero business model innovations: Sustainability Transformation - Climate Strategy + Life-cycle Assessment - Sustainability Management

Climate strategy software
With the help of the climate strategy software, you can complete your carbon footprint and decarbonisation strategy, including action planning, in one tool. The CCF of your scope 1-3 emissions forms the basis for deriving a decarbonisation strategy. You develop your specific AI-supported climate strategy based on the comprehensive database of implemented international measures. The USP of our software lies in its ease of use, for which no prior expert knowledge is required.
Climate strategy software
CAESAR+CLEO (CC) is an ESG strategy and service consultancy. CC supports companies in meeting regulatory requirements and ESG criteria in a legally compliant, innovative, value-enhancing and communicative way. We support companies on their transformation path towards substantial corporate sustainability and develop circular net-zero business model innovations: Sustainability Transformation - Climate Strategy + Life-cycle Assessment - Sustainability Management
Climate strategy software
CAESAR+CLEO (CC) is an ESG strategy and service consultancy. CC supports companies in meeting regulatory requirements and ESG criteria in a legally compliant, innovative, value-enhancing and communicative way. We support companies on their transformation path towards substantial corporate sustainability and develop circular net-zero business model innovations: Sustainability Transformation - Climate Strategy + Life-cycle Assessment - Sustainability Management
Climate strategy software
CAESAR+CLEO (CC) is an ESG strategy and service consultancy. CC supports companies in meeting regulatory requirements and ESG criteria in a legally compliant, innovative, value-enhancing and communicative way. We support companies on their transformation path towards substantial corporate sustainability and develop circular net-zero business model innovations: Sustainability Transformation - Climate Strategy + Life-cycle Assessment - Sustainability Management
The branchespecific benchmarking allows you to compare and evaluate your objectives. Company locations or sub-units can be conveniently managed and internal and external users can be given access. In addition to forecasts and reports, a CSRD or GRI report can be created.
We are there for you for comprehensive knowledge transfer, advice and support for our all-in-one software solution hosted in Germany.