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Circular Economy Reise – Textiles Travel Stop

01. July 2021 | 10:00 – 11:45 CET


www.circular economy smes across europe.b2match.io/


Program webinar


During this workshop, participants will be able to interact with other circular textile stakeholders by exploring circular business opportunities and identifying barriers in a fun and creative way.

Capacity: max. 50 participants

Welcome and introduction

Freekvan Eijk–director Holland Circular Hotspot

video intermezzo

‘Closing the global value chain for textiles’


‘From Linear to Circular in the Textile and Apparel Industries’

Mieke Evers –Sustainability advisor at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency

Pioneers across Europe

Introduction and panel discussion with 4 pioneers in the textiles and apparel industries:

OceanSafe, DyeCoo, Circoolar, Hack Your Closet


Introduction of the ReNewTexnetwork for the textile industry

Claus Lütke –manager Innovation Networks at ZENIT

Closing remarks

Program workshop


During this workshop, participants will be able to interact with other circular textile stakeholders by exploring circular business opportunities and identifying barriers in a fun and creative way.

Capacity: max. 50 participants

Companies that take part in the panel discussion

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